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This section assumes installing docusaurus-protobuffet in an existing Docusaurus project. For those without an existing project, you can use docusaurus-protobuffet-init to scaffold a Docusaurus project with this preset installed.


These commands should be run at the root of your Docusaurus project directory.

Install this preset.

npm install --save docusaurus-protobuffet

Generate a JSON representation of your Protobuf files. This depends on the protoc-gen-doc compiler plugin. Find details and installation steps in the usage section.

protoc --doc_out=./fixtures --doc_opt=json,proto_workspace.json protos/**/*.proto

Add the preset to your project's docusaurus.config.js file. View the configuration section for all available options.

// file: docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
protobuffet: {
fileDescriptorsPath: './fixtures/proto_workspace.json'
// ...

Invoke the CLI command generate-proto-docs to generate your MDX doc files.

npx docusaurus generate-proto-docs

Update your docusaurus.config.js to link to your new documentation from the navbar. You will need to configure one of the generated doc files as the route. A homepage will be introduced to replace this in the future.

// file: docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
// ...
to: 'protodocs/Booking.proto',
activeBasePath: 'protodocs',
label: 'Protodocs',
position: 'left',
// ...

Boot up your Docusaurus server to view the new Protobuf documentation space.

npm run start